
PORTFOLIO # 14 Final Reflection

The portfolio was a very useful tool to show how much I have learned from this class and how much I have improved as a writer. In the portfolio I was able to prepare summaries and analyses of all the material that have been discussed in class. These assignments not only helped me to consolidate knowledge but also to prepare useful study notes for the final exam. The extra information provided in the blog was also very helpful in the understanding of many of the concepts discussed in class. Sometimes just reading the material by itself didn’t help me to understand some of the concepts .Therefore, having visual aids like videos and pictures really helped me consolidate these concepts in an easier way. In conclusion, having a portfolio made me engage with this class and work very hard for each of the assignments. As a result, I could identify my weaker points, work on them and improve as a writer.

PORTFOLIO # 13 Reflection

Over the past year my writing capacity has improved immensely. Firstly, the writing assignments helped me to create a cohesive text. I was able to use formal vocabulary, good grammar, connectors and other important tools that made my writing cohesive. Secondly, I’ve learned how to organize my own writing. By defining a clear topic, I was able to develop my ideas in a coherent way. Using a thesis statement helped me to ensure that my essay had a clear flow and that every point was well developed and explained according to the main topic. Finally, in the last assignment I could put into practice everything that I’ve learnt throughout the whole year. In the essay assignment I had not only to analyse some topic but also to create my own position and backing it up with solid evidence.  This helped me to pay attention to every detail, take a position on a topic and organize my writing very carefully. In conclusion, I had a very positive experience with this class because it helped me t...

PORTFOLIO # 12 Videos

1- The Inspector needs "a flawless American accent": In the first video we can see a clear example of “accent”.  When we talk about “accent” we are referring to the “differences in aspects of pronunciation that identify where an individual speaker is from, regionally or socially”. By hearing the inspector’s accent we can see a variation in the way he is speaking English. His accent identifies him as French. In order to not raise any suspicion, the inspector needs to acquire a perfect English accent. The woman is trying to teach him the Standard American English but he has some difficulties with the pronunciation. 2- Students' dialects? In the second video we can see an example of “dialects”. The term “dialect” involves much more than differences in pronunciation. This term is used to describe features of grammar and vocabulary as well. The people in this video present these kinds of differences in their speech. For example, they have problems with gram...

PORTFOLIO #11 The Study of Language - Chapters 18-19-20

The Study of Language - Chapters 18-19-20 from abigail contreras

PORTFOLIO #10: Discourse and Context in Language Teaching

PORTFOLIO #9: Thesis statement

HOW TO WRITE A THESIS STATEMENT: THESIS STATEMENT: The single, specific claim that your essay supports. It includes a topic, a precise opinion and reasoning. PARTS OF A THESIS STATEMENT: THE SUBJECT: The topic of your essay. THE PRECISE OPINION: Your opinion on the subject/ topic of your essay. THE BLUEPRINT OF REASONS: How you plan to argue and prove your opinion. Typically three strong pieces of evidence. The thesis statement tells your reader: Where you are going in your essay. How you plan on getting there. HOW TO PREPARE YOUR THESIS STATEMENTS: YOUR TOPIC:  What your paper will deal with. YOUR CLAIM: What you think about the topic. REASONS THAT SUPPORT YOUR CLAIM:  Three points that will persuade your readers to believe your claim. TURNING YOUR NOTES INTO A THESIS STATEMENT: Thesis with point listed: Points at the end of the thesis statement. Points at the beginning of the thesis statement. Points listed in the sentence after th...

PORTFOLIO #8: Literary Essay: The Struggles of the Minority Groups

The Struggles of the Minority Groups from abigail contreras